Latest Releases
The CEED software is open-source and publicly available on GitHub. The latest releases of our main software components are available from:
Please use the CEED user forum to report bugs or post questions or comments.
Software Catalog
The CEED team includes members of the Nek5000, MFEM, MAGMA, OCCA and PETSc projects. Building on these efforts, the co-design center is producing a range of software products, including:
Next-generation finite element discretization libraries that enable unstructured PDE-based applications to take full advantage of exascale resources. These libraries cover the full spectrum of discretizations, from assembled low-order to matrix-free high-order methods.
Miniapps combining applications-relevant physics with key high-order kernels that use matrix-free forms for efficient performance. CEED also develops element-level kernels and benchmark problems.
Broadly applicable technologies, including extensions of dense linear algebra libraries to support fast tensor contractions, scalable matrix-free linear solvers and programming models for performance portability.