CEED 5.0 Software Distribution

The CEED distribution is a collection of software packages that can be integrated together to enable efficient discretizations in a variety of high-order applications on unstructured grids.

CEED is using the Spack package manager for compatible building and installation of its software components.

In this version, CEED 5.0, the CEED software suite consists of the following 15 packages, plus the CEED meta-package:

If you are interested in the previous releases, see the CEED-4.0, CEED-3.0, CEED-2.0 and CEED-1.0 pages.

First-time users should read Simple Installation and Using the Installation below. (Quick summary: you can build and install all of the above packages with: spack install ceed)

If you are familiar with Spack, consider using the following machine-specific configurations for CEED (see also the spack-configs repository and the xSDK's config files).

Platform Architecture Spack Configuration
Mac darwin-highsierra-x86_64 packages
Linux (RHEL7) linux-rhel7-x86_64 packages
Linux (Ubuntu) ubuntu19.10-x86_64 packages
Lassen (LLNL) linux-rhel7-ppc64le packages   compilers
Summit (ORNL) linux-rhel7-ppc64le packages

For additional details, please consult the following sections:

The CEED team can be contacted by posting to our User Forum or via email at ceed-users@llnl.gov. For issues related to the CEED Spack packages, please start a discussion on the GitHub @spack/ceed page.

Simple Installation

If Spack is already available on your system and is visible in your PATH, you can install the CEED software simply with:

spack install -v ceed

To enable package testing during the build process, use instead:

spack install -v --test=all ceed

If you don't have Spack, you can download it and install CEED with the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/spack/spack.git
cd spack
./bin/spack install -v ceed

To avoid long compile times, we strongly recommend that you add a packages.yaml file for your platform, see above and the Tips and Troubleshooting section.

Using the Installation

Spack will install the CEED packages (and the libraries they depend on) in a subtree of ./opt/spack/<architecture>/<compiler>/ that is specific to the architecture and compiler used (multiple compiler and/or architecture builds can coexist in a single Spack directory).

Below are several examples of how the Spack installation can be linked with and used in user applications.

Building MFEM-based Applications

The simplest way to use the Spack installation is through the spack location command. For example, MFEM-based codes, such as the MFEM examples, can be simply built as follows:

git clone https://github.com/mfem/mfem.git
cd mfem; git checkout v4.4
cd examples
make CONFIG_MK=`spack location -i mfem`/share/mfem/config.mk
cd ../miniapps/electromagnetics
make CONFIG_MK=`spack location -i mfem`/share/mfem/config.mk

Note that if you already have multiple Spack installations of MFEM, the above spack location commands will fail and you will need to use a more concrete spec such as mfem~cuda instead of simply mfem.

Alternatively, the Spack installation can be exported to a local directory:

mkdir ceed
spack view --verbose symlink ceed/mfem mfem

Once again, if you already have multiple Spack installations of MFEM, then you will need to use a more concrete spec such as mfem~cuda instead of simply mfem.

The ceed/mfem directory now contains the Spack-built MFEM with all of its dependencies (technically, it contains links to all the build files inside the ./opt/spack/ subdirectory for MFEM). In particular, the MFEM library in ceed/mfem/lib and the MFEM build configuration file in ceed/mfem/share/mfem/config.mk.

This directory can be used to build the MFEM examples as follows:

# Clone MFEM next to the "ceed" directory created above
git clone https://github.com/mfem/mfem.git
cd mfem; git checkout v4.4
cd examples
make CONFIG_MK=$PWD/../../ceed/mfem/share/mfem/config.mk

The MFEM electromagnetics miniapps can further be built with:

# Continuing from the last directory above: .../mfem/examples
cd ../miniapps/electromagnetics
make CONFIG_MK=../../../ceed/mfem/share/mfem/config.mk

Building libCEED-based Applications

Below we illustrate how to use the Spack installation to build libCEED-based applications, by building the examples in the current libCEED distribution.

Using spack location, the libCEED examples can be built as follows:

git clone https://github.com/CEED/libCEED.git
cd libCEED/examples/ceed
make CEED_DIR=`spack location -i libceed`
./ex1-volume -ceed /cpu/self

If you have multiple builds of libceed or occa you need to be more specific in the above spack location command. To list all libceed and occa versions use spack find:

spack find -lv libceed occa

Then either use variants to choose a unique version, e.g. libceed~cuda, or specify the hashes printed in front of the libceed spec, e.g. libceed/yb3fvek or just /yb3fvek (and similarly for occa).

The serial, OpenMP, OpenCL and GPU OCCA backends can be used with:

./ex1-volume -ceed /cpu/occa
./ex1-volume -ceed /omp/occa
./ex1-volume -ceed /ocl/occa
./ex1-volume -ceed /gpu/occa

In order to use the OCCA GPU backend, one needs to install CEED with the cuda variant enabled, i.e. using the spec ceed+cuda ^magma cuda_arch=70 ^mfem cuda_arch=sm_70:

spack install -v ceed+cuda ^magma cuda_arch=70 ^mfem cuda_arch=sm_70

For more details, see the section GPU demo below.

With the MAGMA backend, the /gpu/magma resource descriptor can also be used.

The MFEM/libCEED and PETSc/libCEED examples can be further built with:

# Continue from the last dir above: .../libCEED/examples/ceed
cd ../mfem
make CEED_DIR=`spack location -i libceed` MFEM_DIR=`spack location -i mfem`
./bp1 -no-vis -o 2 -ceed /cpu/self -m `spack location -i mfem`/share/mfem/data/star.mesh
./bp3 -no-vis -o 2 -ceed /cpu/self -m `spack location -i mfem`/share/mfem/data/star.mesh
cd ../petsc
make CEED_DIR=`spack location -i libceed` PETSC_DIR=`spack location -i petsc`
./bps -degree 2 -ceed /cpu/self

Note that if PETSC_ARCH is set in your environment, you must either unset it or also pass PETSC_ARCH= in the above command.

Depending on the available backends, additional CEED resource descriptors, e.g. petsc/bps -problem bp1 -degree 2 -ceed /ocl/occa or mfem/bp1 -no-vis --order 2 -ceed /gpu/occa can be provided. See libCEED Examples for more on available examples/miniapps and how to run them.

Finally, the Nek5000/libCEED examples can be built as follows:

cd ../nek5000
export CEED_DIR=`spack location -i libceed` NEK5K_DIR=`spack location -i nek5000`

Then you can run the Nek5000 examples as follows:

export MPIEXEC=`spack location -i openmpi`/bin/mpiexec
./run-nek-example.sh -e bp1 -c /cpu/self -n 2 -b 3

In the above example, replace openmpi with whatever the MPI implementation you have installed with spack. Also, you can do ./run-nek-example.sh -h to find out the options supported by the run script.

   -h|-help     Print this usage information and exit
   -c|-ceed     Ceed backend to be used for the run (optional, default: /cpu/self)
   -e|-example  Example name (optional, default: bp1)
   -n|-np       Specify number of MPI ranks for the run (optional, default: 4)
   -b|-box      Specify the box geometry to be found in ./boxes/ directory (Mandatory)

More information on running the Nek5000 examples can be found in the libCEED documentation.

Alternatively, one can export the Spack install to a local directory:

# In the directory that contains the cloned "libCEED" directory
spack view --verbose symlink ceed/libceed libceed
spack view --verbose symlink ceed/petsc petsc
spack view --verbose symlink ceed/mfem mfem
spack view --verbose symlink ceed/nek5000 nek5000

and use that to specify the CEED_DIR, MFEM_DIR and PETSC_DIR variables:

cd libCEED/examples/ceed
make CEED_DIR=../../../ceed/libceed
./ex1-volume -ceed /cpu/self
cd ../mfem
make CEED_DIR=../../../ceed/libceed MFEM_DIR=../../../ceed/mfem
./bp1 -no-vis -o 2 -ceed /cpu/self -m ../../../ceed/mfem/share/mfem/data/star.mesh
./bp3 -no-vis -o 2 -ceed /cpu/self -m ../../../ceed/mfem/share/mfem/data/star.mesh
cd ../petsc
make CEED_DIR=../../../ceed/mfem PETSC_DIR=../../../ceed/petsc
./bps -problem bp1 -degree 2 -ceed /cpu/self

Using Containers

Docker is a popular container system available on Linux, Mac, and Windows. After installing Docker, running one command

docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/ceed jedbrown/ceed bash

gives you a development environment with CEED installed via Spack and the host's current working directory mounted at /ceed (the current working directory in the container). For example,

host$ git clone https://github.com/ceed/libceed
host$ cd libceed/examples/petsc
host$ docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/ceed jedbrown/ceed bash
container$ make PETSC_DIR=`spack location -i petsc` CEED_DIR=`spack location -i libceed`
container$ mpiexec -n 2 ./bp1
Global dofs: 2541
Process decomposition: 2 1 1
Local elements: 1000 = 10 10 10
Owned dofs: 1210 = 10 11 11
KSP cg CONVERGED_RTOL iterations 34 rnorm 3.992091e-09
Pointwise error (max) 1.267540e-02

See the Dockerfile to understand how this image was prepared and/or create your own images.

NERSC's Shifter

Containers also work at NERSC using Shifter, a container system designed for HPC. To pull the latest CEED image, use

shifterimg pull docker:jedbrown/ceed:5.0

then build code using shifter commands in place of the docker commands above, e.g.,

host$ shifter --image=docker:jedbrown/ceed:5.0 bash
container$ make PETSC_DIR=`spack location -i petsc` CEED_DIR=`spack location -i libceed`

where we see that shifter defaults behave similarly to the options we had to give manually for docker. Batch jobs can be submitted via

sbatch --image docker:jedbrown/ceed:latest ...

with the following in your submission script:

srun -n 64 shifter ./your-petsc-app


Singularity is another HPC container system with usage similar to Shifter above.

host$ git clone https://github.com/ceed/libceed
host$ cd libceed
host$ singularity shell docker://jedbrown/ceed:latest
Singularity> make PETSC_DIR=`spack location -i petsc` CEED_DIR=`spack location -i libceed` build/petsc-bps

One can run local jobs in the container:

Singularity> mpiexec -n 4 build/petsc-bps -problem bp3 -benchmark

or submit batch jobs from the host with the likes of:

srun -n 64 singularity exec docker://jedbrown/ceed:latest build/petsc-bps -problem bp3 -benchmark

(see instructions for your batch system).

GPU demo

Below is the full set of commands to install the CEED distribution on a GPU-capable machine and then use its libCEED GPU kernels to accelerate MFEM, PETSc and Nek examples. Note that these are very different codes (C++, C, F77) which can nevertheless take advantage through libCEED of a common set of GPU kernels.

The setenv commands below assume csh/tcsh. We strongly recommend to add a packages.yaml file in order to avoid long compile times, see Tips and Troubleshooting.

# Install CEED 5.0 distribution via Spack
git clone https://github.com/spack/spack.git
cd spack
spack install ceed+cuda ^magma cuda_arch=70 ^mfem cuda_arch=sm_70

# Setup CEED component directories
setenv CEED_DIR  `spack location -i libceed`
setenv MFEM_DIR  `spack location -i mfem`
setenv PETSC_DIR `spack location -i petsc`
setenv NEK5K_DIR `spack location -i nek5000`

# Clean OCCA cache
# rm -rf ~/.occa

# Clone libCEED examples directory as proxy for libCEED-based codes
git clone https://github.com/CEED/libCEED.git
mv libCEED/examples ceed-examples
rm -rf libCEED

# libCEED examples on CPU and GPU
cd ceed-examples/ceed
./ex1-volume -ceed /cpu/self/ref/blocked
./ex1-volume -ceed /gpu/cuda/gen
cd ../..

# MFEM+libCEED examples on CPU and GPU
cd ceed-examples/mfem
./bp1 -ceed /cpu/self/ref/blocked -no-vis -m $MFEM_DIR/share/mfem/data/star.mesh
./bp1 -ceed /gpu/cuda/gen -no-vis -m $MFEM_DIR/share/mfem/data/star.mesh
cd ../..

# PETSc+libCEED examples on CPU and GPU
cd ceed-examples/petsc
./bps -problem bp1 -ceed /cpu/self/ref/blocked
./bps -problem bp1 -ceed /gpu/cuda/gen
cd ../..

# Nek+libCEED examples on CPU and GPU
cd ceed-examples/nek5000
./run-nek-example.sh -ceed /cpu/self/ref/blocked -b 3
./run-nek-example.sh -ceed /gpu/cuda/gen -b 3
cd ../..

Spack for Beginners

Spack is a package manager for scientific software that supports multiple versions, configurations, platforms, and compilers.

While Spack does not change the build system that already exists in each CEED component, it coordinates the dependencies between these components and enables them to be built with the same compilers and options.

If you are new to Spack, here are some Spack commands and options that you may find useful:

Tips and Troubleshooting

Building on a Mac

The file ceed3-darwin-highsierra-x86_64-packages.yaml provides a sample packages.yaml file based on Homebrew, that should work on most Macs. (You can use MacPorts instead of Homebrew if you prefer.)

        compiler: [clang]
            blas: [veclibfort]
            lapack: [veclibfort]
            mpi: [openmpi]
            openmpi@3.0.0: ~/brew
        buildable: False

            cmake@3.10.2: ~/brew
        buildable: False
            cuda@9.1.85: /usr/local/cuda
        buildable: False
            libx11@system: /opt/X11
        version: [system]
        buildable: False
            libxt@system: /opt/X11
        version: [system]
        buildable: False
            # see /opt/X11/lib/pkgconfig/xproto.pc
            xproto@7.0.31: /opt/X11
        version: [7.0.31]
        buildable: False
            python@2.7.10: /usr
        buildable: False
            zlib@1.2.11: /usr
        buildable: False

The packages in ~/brew were installed with brew install package. If you don't have Homebrew, you can install it and the needed tools with:

git clone https://github.com/Homebrew/brew.git
cd brew
bin/brew install openmpi cmake python zlib

The packages in /usr are provided by Apple and come pre-built with Mac OS X. The cuda package is provided by NVIDIA and should be installed separately by downloading it from NVIDIA. We are using the Clang compiler, OpenMPI, and Apple's BLAS/LAPACK accelerator library.

Building on a Linux Desktop

The file ceed3-linux-rhel7-x86_64-packages.yaml provides a sample packages.yaml file that can be adapted to work on a RHEL7 Linux desktop

        compiler: [gcc]
            mpi: [openmpi]
            blas: [netlib-lapack]
            lapack: [netlib-lapack]
            netlib-lapack@system: /usr/lib64
        buildable: False
            openmpi@3.0.0: ~/local
        buildable: False

            cmake@3.10.2: ~/local
        buildable: False
            cuda@9.1.85: ~/local/cuda
        buildable: False
            libx11@system: /usr
        version: [system]
        buildable: False
            libxt@system: /usr
        version: [system]
        buildable: False
            xproto@7.0.32: /usr
        version: [7.0.32]
        buildable: False
             python@2.7.14: /usr
        buildable: False
            zlib@1.2.11: /usr/lib64
        buildable: False

The above file uses user-installed OpenMPI, CMake and CUDA packages, with the rest of the CEED prerequisites installed via the yum package manager.

A very similar file, ceed3-ubuntu19.10-packages.yaml provides Spack configuration for the Ubuntu distribution:

        compiler: [gcc]
            mpi: [mpich]
            blas: [blis]
            lapack: [netlib-lapack]
            blis@0.6.0: /usr/lib
        buildable: False
            netlib-lapack@3.8.0: /usr/lib
       variants: +external-blas~lapacke
        buildable: False
        buildable: False
        buildable: False
        buildable: False
        buildable: False
        buildable: False
        buildable: False
        buildable: False
            mpich@3.3.2: /usr/local
        buildable: False

            cmake@3.13.4: /usr
        buildable: False
            libx11@system: /usr
        version: [system]
        buildable: False
            libxt@system: /usr
        version: [system]
        buildable: False
        paths: # See /usr/share/pkgconfig/xproto.pc for version
            xproto@7.0.32: /usr
        buildable: False
             python@3.7.5: /usr
        buildable: False
            zlib@1.2.11: /usr/lib
        buildable: False

In this case we use GCC and other development packages via apt install and with MPICH installed separately (as needed to use containerized HPC environments like Shifter and Singularity). You can use

docker pull jedbrown/ceed-base

to get a build environment with this packages.yaml and prerequisites for spack install ceed.

Building at LLNL's Computing Center


The file ceed3-lassen-packages.yaml is an example of a packages.yaml file for the Lassen system at LLNL's Livermore Computing center, which is similar to the Sierra supercomputer.

        compiler: [xl_r, xl, gcc]
            mpi: [spectrum-mpi]
            blas: [essl]
            lapack: [netlib-lapack]
            essl@6.1.0: /usr/tcetmp/packages/essl/essl-6.1.0
        variants: threads=none
        version: [6.1.0]
        buildable: False
        buildable: False
        buildable: False
        buildable: False
        buildable: False
    openblas:  # OpenBLAS can be built only with gcc
        buildable: False
    netlib-lapack: # prefer netlib-lapack with '+external-blas' and '~lapacke' variant
        variants: +external-blas~lapacke
            spectrum-mpi@2019-01-30%xl_r@16.1.1: /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/spectrum-mpi-2019.01.30-xl-2019.02.07
            spectrum-mpi@2019-01-30%gcc@4.9.3: /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/spectrum-mpi-2019.01.30-gcc-4.9.3
            spectrum-mpi@2019-01-30%gcc@7.3.1: /usr/tce/packages/spectrum-mpi/spectrum-mpi-2019.01.30-gcc-7.3.1
        buildable: False

            cmake@3.14.5: /usr/tce/packages/cmake/cmake-3.14.5
        version: [3.14.5]
        buildable: False
            cuda@10.1.243: /usr/tce/packages/cuda/cuda-10.1.243
        version: [10.1.243]
        buildable: False
            libx11@system: /usr
        version: [system]
        buildable: False
            libxt@system: /usr
        version: [system]
        buildable: False
            # see /usr/share/pkgconfig/xproto.pc
            xproto@7.0.31: /usr
        version: [7.0.31]
        buildable: False
            python@2.7.14: /usr/tce/packages/python/python-2.7.14
        version: [2.7.14]
        buildable: False

The above file can be used to build CEED with different compilers (xl being the default), for example:

spack install ceed%gcc~petsc

A corresponding compilers.yaml file for Lassen can be found here: ceed3-lassen-compilers.yaml.

Building at OLCF


The file ceed3-summit-packages.yaml is an example of a packages.yaml file for the Summit system at OLCF.

The packages.yaml file gives updated locations for spectrum-mpi and other packeges. Then one has to make sure other modules like xalt are not loaded because xalt provides a conflicting version of "ld" which breaks the build. One may have to load a gcc compiler, e.g., version 6.4.0, and configure it in spack as a compiler. Then one can compile ceed and dependencies using netlib-lapack as the blas and lapack provider. Here are the commands to do the full compile:

git clone https://github.com/spack/spack
source spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh
cp packages.yaml spack/etc/spack/
module purge
module load gcc/6.4.0 spectrum-mpi/ cmake netlib-lapack netlib-scalapack
spack compiler find
./bin/spack install ceed%gcc@6.4.0

Installing CUDA

spack install ceed+cuda ^magma cuda_arch=70 ^mfem cuda_arch=sm_70