Applications Thrust 
The goal of CEED's Applications (AP) thrust, led by Misun Min from Argonne National Laboratory, is to impact a wide range of ECP application teams through focused one-on-one interactions, facilitated by CEED application liaisons, as well as through one-to-many interactions, based on the development of easy-to-use discretization libraries for high-order finite element methods.
Some of our ECP application targets are:
- Coupled Monte Carlo Neutronics and Fluid Flow Simulation of Small Modular Reactors (ORNL)
- Multi-physics Simulation Code (LLNL)
- Multiscale Coupled Urban System (ANL)
- Transforming Combustion Science and Technology with Exascale Simulations (SNL)
- Cloud-Resolving Climate Modeling of the Earth's Water Cycle (SNL)
In addition to maintaining a close connection with these high-order ECP applications, the AP thrust is also reaching out to low-order and non-ECP apparitions and using its interactions to derive requirements for CEED’s miniapps and software technologies work.
The AP thrust is actively involved with a variety of co-design activities both within ECP applications and CEED miniapps, such as: OpenACC- and CUDA-based GPU implementations, I/O performance improvement for large meshes, exploration of lightweight MPI and neighborhood collective MPI, and many more.