Linear Algebra
User Q-functions often perform small (1x1, 2x2, or 3x3) linear algebra operations (determinant, matrix-vector product, etc.) at every Q-point. For good performance, it is important to use specialized versions of these operations for the given size.
If the matrix or vector is given in a statically sized container (e.g. using StaticArrays.jl) then this happens automatically. However, if the matrix is not statically sized, and instead is given as, for example, a view into a larger array, then LibCEED.jl provides some convenient specialized functions.
In order to allow for generic code, the CeedDim
struct is used for dispatch. An object D = CeedDim(dim)
can be created, and passed as a second argument to functions like det
to choose the specialized implementations. In this case, dim
should be known as a compile-time constant, otherwise it will result in a type instability, and give poor performance.
For example:
julia> using LibCEED, LinearAlgebra
julia> dim = 3;
julia> J = rand(dim, dim);
julia> det(J) # Slow!
julia> det(J, CeedDim(dim)) # Fast!
— TypeCeedDim(dim)
The singleton object of type CeedDim{dim}
, used for dispatch to linear algebra operations specialized for small matrices (1, 2, or 3 dimensions).
— Methoddet(J, ::CeedDim{dim})
Specialized determinant calculations for matrices of size 1, 2, or 3.
— Functionsetvoigt(J::StaticArray{Tuple{D,D},T,2})
setvoigt(J, ::CeedDim{dim})
Given a symmetric matrix J
, return a SVector
that encodes J
using the Voigt convention.
The size of the symmetric matrix J
must be known statically, either specified using CeedDim
or StaticArray
— Functiongetvoigt(V, ::CeedDim{dim})
Given a vector V
that encodes a symmetric matrix using the Voigt convention, return the corresponding SMatrix