
Column-major vs. row-major storage

libCEED internally uses row-major (C convention) storage of matrices, while Julia uses column-major (Fortran convention) storage.

LibCEED.jl will typically handle the conversion between these formats by transposing or permuting the dimensions of the input and output matrices and tensors.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for BasisCollocated. Check Documenter's build log for details.

create_tensor_h1_lagrange_basis(ceed, dim, ncomp, p, q, qmode)

Create a tensor-product Lagrange basis.


  • ceed: A Ceed object where the Basis will be created.
  • dim: Topological dimension of element.
  • ncomp: Number of field components (1 for scalar fields).
  • p: Number of Gauss-Lobatto nodes in one dimension. The polynomial degree of the resulting $Q_k$ element is $k=p-1$.
  • q: Number of quadrature points in one dimension.
  • qmode: Distribution of the $q$ quadrature points (affects order of accuracy for the quadrature).
create_tensor_h1_basis(c::Ceed, dim, ncomp, p, q, interp1d, grad1d, qref1d, qweight1d)

Create a tensor-product basis for $H^1$ discretizations.


  • ceed: A Ceed object where the Basis will be created.
  • dim: Topological dimension.
  • ncomp: Number of field components (1 for scalar fields).
  • p: Number of nodes in one dimension.
  • q: Number of quadrature points in one dimension
  • interp1d: Matrix of size (q, p) expressing the values of nodal basis functions at quadrature points.
  • grad1d: Matrix of size (p, q) expressing derivatives of nodal basis functions at quadrature points.
  • qref1d: Array of length q holding the locations of quadrature points on the 1D reference element $[-1, 1]$.
  • qweight1d: Array of length q holding the quadrature weights on the reference element.
create_h1_basis(c::Ceed, topo::Topology, ncomp, nnodes, nqpts, interp, grad, qref, qweight)

Create a non tensor-product basis for $H^1$ discretizations


  • ceed: A Ceed object where the Basis will be created.
  • topo: Topology of element, e.g. hypercube, simplex, etc.
  • ncomp: Number of field components (1 for scalar fields).
  • nnodes: Total number of nodes.
  • nqpts: Total number of quadrature points.
  • interp: Matrix of size (nqpts, nnodes) expressing the values of nodal basis functions at quadrature points.
  • grad: Array of size (dim, nqpts, nnodes) expressing derivatives of nodal basis functions at quadrature points.
  • qref: Matrix of size (dim, nqpts) holding the locations of quadrature points on the reference element $[-1, 1]$.
  • qweight: Array of length nqpts holding the quadrature weights on the reference element.
create_hdiv_basis(c::Ceed, topo::Topology, ncomp, nnodes, nqpts, interp, div, qref, qweight)

Create a non tensor-product basis for H(div) discretizations


  • ceed: A Ceed object where the Basis will be created.
  • topo: Topology of element, e.g. hypercube, simplex, etc.
  • ncomp: Number of field components (1 for scalar fields).
  • nnodes: Total number of nodes.
  • nqpts: Total number of quadrature points.
  • interp: Matrix of size (dim, nqpts, nnodes) expressing the values of basis functions at quadrature points.
  • div: Array of size (nqpts, nnodes) expressing divergence of basis functions at quadrature points.
  • qref: Matrix of size (dim, nqpts) holding the locations of quadrature points on the reference element $[-1, 1]$.
  • qweight: Array of length nqpts holding the quadrature weights on the reference element.
create_hcurl_basis(c::Ceed, topo::Topology, ncomp, nnodes, nqpts, interp, curl, qref, qweight)

Create a non tensor-product basis for H(curl) discretizations


  • ceed: A Ceed object where the Basis will be created.
  • topo: Topology of element, e.g. hypercube, simplex, etc.
  • ncomp: Number of field components (1 for scalar fields).
  • nnodes: Total number of nodes.
  • nqpts: Total number of quadrature points.
  • interp: Matrix of size (dim, nqpts, nnodes) expressing the values of basis functions at quadrature points.
  • curl: Matrix of size (curlcomp, nqpts, nnodes), curlcomp = 1 if dim < 3 else dim) matrix expressing curl of basis functions at quadrature points.
  • qref: Matrix of size (dim, nqpts) holding the locations of quadrature points on the reference element $[-1, 1]$.
  • qweight: Array of length nqpts holding the quadrature weights on the reference element.
apply!(b::Basis, nelem, tmode::TransposeMode, emode::EvalMode, u::AbstractCeedVector, v::AbstractCeedVector)

Apply basis evaluation from nodes to quadrature points or vice versa, storing the result in the CeedVector v.

nelem specifies the number of elements to apply the basis evaluation to; the backend will specify the ordering in CeedElemRestrictionCreateBlocked()

Set tmode to CEED_NOTRANSPOSE to evaluate from nodes to quadrature or to CEED_TRANSPOSE to apply the transpose, mapping from quadrature points to nodes.

Set the EvalMode emode to:

  • CEED_EVAL_NONE to use values directly,
  • CEED_EVAL_INTERP to use interpolated values,
  • CEED_EVAL_GRAD to use gradients,
  • CEED_EVAL_WEIGHT to use quadrature weights.
apply(b::Basis, u::AbstractVector; nelem=1, tmode=NOTRANSPOSE, emode=EVAL_INTERP)

Performs the same function as the above-defined apply!, but automatically convert from Julia arrays to CeedVector for convenience.

The result will be returned in a newly allocated array of the correct size.


Return the number of 1D nodes of the given (tensor-product) [`Basis`](@ref).

Get the reference coordinates of quadrature points (in dim dimensions) of the given Basis.


Get the interpolation matrix of the given Basis. Returns a matrix of size (getnumqpts(b), getnumnodes(b)) for a given $H^1$ basis or (getdimension(b), getnumqpts(b), getnumnodes(b)) for a given vector $H(div)$ or $H(curl)$ basis.


Get the 1D interpolation matrix of the given Basis. b must be a tensor-product basis, otherwise this function will fail. Returns a matrix of size (getnumqpts1d(b), getnumnodes1d(b)).


Get the gradient matrix of the given Basis. Returns a tensor of size (getdimension(b), getnumqpts(b), getnumnodes(b)).


Get the 1D derivative matrix of the given Basis. Returns a matrix of size (getnumqpts(b), getnumnodes(b)).

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for getdiv. Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for getcurl. Check Documenter's build log for details.